The Royal Game of Ur
Online two-player version of the oldest know board game, written in JavaScript with Websockets
After watching Tom Scott and Irving Finkel play the oldest known game in history. I decided to bring the game into the digital age so it can be played online. Built in JavaScript using Node.JS and WebSockets.

The game is still in early stages with only multiple-player and rules implemented, and at this point will only connect the first two users to a game. Once I’ve finished working on the multi-player support, it will be available for all to play.
- Improve multi-player support. Currently only supports and engages two users in a game.
- Improve graphics
- Challenging – Allow players to challenge their next opponent
- Scoring – Highscore, win-streak, etc
- React?
Checkout the code on GitHub
Would you like to know more?
The royal game of Ur was rediscovered by the British archaeologist Sir Leonard Woolley, and rules reconstructed by Irving Finkel. You can find more information over on the Wikipedia article at